Sample application demo site

In the course of this tutorial, we are going to develop a small GUI application for execution inside a web browser. A live preview of the sample application is shown in Figure 1 below. Feel free to click inside and explore the app and its features:

dummy picture
Figure 1. Tutorial application, live preview

The tutorial application comprises two components, titled Bell and Weather report. When pressing the push-button of the bell component, a beep will sound. When pressing the push-button of the weather report component, you will be redirected to a web site showing a weather report. The application is localized, by clicking on a flag icon in the upper right corner you can select either English or German as language of the user interface. When running the app in its own browser window, the chosen language setting will be stored inside the local storage of your web browser and will be remembered on the next reload or startup. This way you can keep your language setting, even when you exit and restart your browser.

If you want to test whether the app actually keeps your language setting, you have to open the app in its own browser window.